Thursday, June 15, 2006

If all of these dreams find their way into my day to day scene

  1. School was ok today. I didn’t really do anything in my 4 classes at junior high besides edit some skits. Man, some of the English the kids come up with is pretty awesome.
  2. Tonight I went to dinner with Yoko and Rich to the yakiniku place nearby. Rich and I had a laugh when we ordered the “long wiener” (a 60cm wiener to cook up!). But the real laugh was when Rich complimented Yoko on the fact that she can cut wieners into octopus or crab shapes… and she said “I am a Wiener Technician.” It was amazing.
  3. After dinner, we rented Anchorman and watched it over at my place. It was a good movie. Funny and pointless and silly. We all had a good laugh with it.

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